Task box/ independent work time organization for Special Education

Task box/ independent work time organization for Special Education

I've had a few comments asking how I organize and switch out my task boxes/ independent work activities. My organization system is super simple- All of the actual task boxes (like the "put in" boxes and others with manipulatives) are stored in their boxes in this storage cabinet.

Task box/ independent work time organization for Special Education

All of the other independent work tasks (like file folders or any paper task) are stored in this plastic storage container that includes 3 drawers/categories- literacy, science/social studies/fine motor, and math.
Task box/ independent work time organization for Special Education

At some point I will probably want to create a system that organizes the activities based on levels, but right now I don't have many students and their levels don't vary too much so it is easy enough to keep the activities organized without a leveled system.