I found our backpack at Micheal's for $13 (I used at 40% off coupon) and used my Cricut machine to make the iron on with A Perfect Blend fonts.
Why you need a field trip bag:
- The day of field trips can be chaotic! If you pack a bag the day of a field trip, it's likely that you'll forget something! But if you have a bag packed ahead of time and keep it stocked, then you you'll never miss something on a trip.
- Having a bag packed ahead of time will also ensure that you'll be ready for those spur of the moment field trips when a general ed teacher tells you about a field trip 2 hours before departure time!
- Our students benefit from structures and routines! Having a prepped field trip bag will help to ensure that you can carry over some of your classroom structures into field trips.
What's in our field trip bag:
- Fidgets, a pair of headphones and a set of visuals! It's so important to remember to give your students the same sensory and behavioral supports on field trips that you give them during the school day!
- Snacks (only non-perishables like fruit snacks, individual packs of Cheez-its, granola bars, some candy) for long trips and when lunch times are changing. It's great to have snacks to get students through the trip!
- Folder with parent contact information, staff/ school contacts and then we add permission slips to the folder the day of.
- First aid materials including: Bandaids, antiseptic wipes, gloves, wet wipes, tissues, large ziplocks (for trash or dirty clothes, trash, etc.)
- A portable phone charger so you can take a million pictures
- Snacks for teachers
- A note card/ list of what's included in the bag so that you can easily check that the bag is prepped appropriately and restock it
- Individual student items like: bathrooming items, extra clothing, any communication devices, behavior supports (first/ then boards, token boards, etc.)